Δευτέρα, Ιουλίου 06, 2009

My Review For Terminator:Sarah Connor Chronicles at Tv.com

In these Review, i concentrate to the causes and the mistakes, which led a potentially great show to get cancelled

Sometimes i can't really understand what the producers / Writers of TV Shows are thinking. An Exceptional reference, is this Show which is about the story of Sarah and John Connor after the events of The Terminator Movies. They are also aided from a Cute Cyborg named Cameron. Anyway after a very interesting First Cycle, we come to the Second one, which I'll call it open wound. The first episodes were ok, not great but watchable. Then i noticed a descend, which in time transformed to a downfall. The story concentrated more to the Psychosis and Hysterias of Sarah, and the tormenting Teenage son aspect. Also we met some equally indifferent characters with their stubborn and childish thoughts , about the "metals" and Humans. So the show was starting to look like the Young and the Restless, somehow. But the audients who are gona sit in front a TV for a Show like TTSCC it's not the one that likes Soap operas. Many characters Began to lose their interest, and becoming even annoying .And that's the reason that i can't understand, as i wrote before, the producers / Writers of TV Shows. You take such an interesting Mythology that many people know about it, and love it. You have a Sexy-Lethal machine that can cause havoc. You also have this awesome Liquid terminator. And what are you doing? Are you wasting the 90% of the plot, with this Boring character Sarah? Or the Queen of Boredom Jessie ?Even Derek who was introduced as character with potential , he magically transformed to a wuss .The most interesting character of the show, which was the "bait" for its popularity, was almost step aside at most episodes (I mean Cameron Of course).Finally the John Connor character was not my favorite. But it wasn't the actors fault, because at the last episodes of the series, where the writers were starting to shape up John Connors character, he really was great and i really liked it. So suddenly at the last 3-4 episodes , it seems like the produces somehow waked up , and saw these mistakes , and the show became interesting again , and the last 2 episodes were almost Brilliant .But it was too late . People abandoned the show and the tide couldn't come back. And the results you know it .Cancellation. But its a shame, because they took a goldmine (Such shows tend to become Classics, and also sell rights and DVD'S-Blu-Rays for many wears) and made it a swamp. And For last Time my hot Question: Why they gave so much time to Sarah character and suppressed Cameron's

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